Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Thanks @fionawb.

Seven phrases I am known to use, and wish I didn't

  1. Okey Dokey Smokey (Am really trying to stop this, it drives me NUTS)

  2. Feck it (I want to be feckless this year)

  3. Yes, no, but.... (WTF does that MEAN? Yes, I understand you, no I don't agree with you, but here's something you forgot to take into consideration...)

  4. Can I ask a question (um, you just did...)

  5. Look at it this way (My way...)

  6. That's interesting (when I mean I disagree. That's interesting, I think the complete opposite...)

  7. What I mean is... (my GOD woman just say it, once, clearly, then LET IT GO)
It's all meme all the time from now on :)

1 comment:

Hoi said...

Keep fecking it! I feck a lot lately ;p